Between 2 million and 3.7 million children under age 18 have an LGBTQ+ parent. LGBTQ+ people take many pathways to parenthood. Some pursue parenthood using assisted reproductive technologies, surrogacy, or become parents through adoption, or serve as foster parents. Children raised by LGBTQ+ parents in a supportive environment are generally well adjusted and thrive.
As we celebrate Pride Month and Father’s Day, we are excited to share an update on a former SOS employee, “Papa E,” and his husband “Papa J” who adopted four siblings who were part of a group of six children who came to the Village in 2016. The family now lives in Tennessee and La’Promise — 16, Keir — 15 Jerrick — 12, and Keila — 12, are living their best lives!
SOS: So, Eric tell me what it was like to become “Papa E” to four children all at once.
Papa E: I knew the children for a few years before Jeremy and I adopted them in 2019 so the transition was more organic. A funny story though was the first time when my husband Jeremy, “Papa J” and I took them all to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner to tell them that we were a couple and wanted to adopt them. It took them a minute to process everything as they believed that we were brothers. Needless to say, they were cool with everything and excited. They were excited to have not one, but TWO dads!
SOS: What is the biggest surprise of being a dad?
Papa E: How much individual attention each child needs. With four, they make sure to carve out their one-on-one time. They are individuals with individual needs, and we see this more as they grow older.
SOS: You are also raising two raising teenagers. How is this going?
Papa E: It ebbs and flows…right now it’s mostly ebbs. We keep open communication, and many things are by trial and error.
SOS: How do you and “Papa J” differ in parenting styles?
Papa E: I’m the fun dad. I’m the one who gets asked for money, the one they want to talk with on a bad day and go on outings. Jeremy is the disciplinarian, provides structure, and makes sure they get to all their extracurricular activities. The balance between us works.
SOS: Tell us a little about your children.
Papa E: They are all very creative. La’Promise writes songs and raps in talent shows. Jerrick is an artist and loves drawing anime characters. Keila sews and I just got her a sewing machine. Keir repurposes clothing and is taking a fashion design class over the summer. He is really into this and just completed a school project on how much clothing ends up in landfills — this only propelled his passion.
SOS: Any pets?
Papa E: We have a sugar glider who has a very close bond with Keir. We are thinking about adopting a dog.
SOS: Like most parents your hands are full. How do you find time for yourself?
Papa E: I have a one-hour commute to work, and I use this time to listen to podcasts, audio books, and catch up with friends on the phone like we are doing now. When everyone is at practice or hanging out with friends, I enjoy some quite time. Being a dad is one of the most fulfilling aspects of my life and seeing them grow and become individual human beings is a very special experience.