Summer Fun For SOS Children!

THIS TIME OF YEAR, we find ourselves enjoying the lingering days of summer as we trek to new and familiar places to kick back the pace from the rest of the year, and build memories of a lifetime.At SOS, through several community partnerships, our children experience quintessential summertime rites of passage, and lots of fun! […]
SOS Children’s Villages Celebrates Pride Month

LGBTQ+ youth enter the foster care system for many of the same reasons as non-LGBTQ+ youth, such as abuse, neglect, or parental substance abuse. However, they have the additional layer of trauma associated with being rejected or mistreated because of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. In some instances, coming out has led to […]
SOS Children’s Villages Florida 2021 Programs Operations Report

ADM ISSIONS/DISCHARGES: There were 34 new admissions and 35 discharges. Of these, three turned 18, twenty-four were reunified with a biological parent or placed with a relative, eight were placed in a pre-adoptive home or adopted. During the year, SOS served 27 sibling groups, with the largest sibling group of 8. SOS cared for 81 […]
African Americans and the Foster Care System

24 Hours In The Life of A Foster Parent

Life After Foster Care —What’s Next?

Meet The SOS Class of 2022

It’s Summer Camp Time