Meet our 2024 Graduates

MAEVAH PETIT-FRERE Bachelor of Science Degree in Biomedical Science from the University of Central Florida TY’KIYSAH BREIGHNER High School: Plantation High School Will Attend: Broward College Major: Culinary and Business ANDREA CAMPOS-RAMIREZ High School: Northeast Highschool Will Attend: Broward College Major: Sonography KAESHAWN WORMELY High School: Lauderhill 6-12 STEM-MED Magnet School Will Attend: Broward College […]

Special National Foster Care Month Feature Ryan’s Story

This month, we introduce you to Ryan Mohorne who is joining us in the journey of removing barriers and destigmatization of former foster youth by telling their stories and voicing their experiences. Ryan holds a bachelor’s degree in public relations from FAMU, a master’s in professional communication from FSU, and will pursue his doctorate in […]

Celebrating 20 Years!

SANDRA WALLACE, COOIf you ever wonder what it takes to manage the daily operations of the Village, meet our Chief Operating Ocer, Sandra Wallace, who is celebrating 20 years of passionate and dedicated service to our children and young adults. She is a certied Child Welfare Case Manager and has a B.A. in Business Administration […]

Partnership Employment Opportunities for Former Foster Youth

Finding gainful employment is often an area of difficulty for former foster youth. These young adults as they transition towards becoming fully functioning self-sufficient adults, need to have well developed social and self-efficacy skills to equip them to manage relationships in multiple contexts, including in an employment setting. Through our partnership and philanthropic efforts, Seminole […]

This is What Love Looks Like

We all need some love sometimes, and children who enter the foster care system often need a little extra as they heal from past traumas and go about living their best lives. One of the most tangible ways we can show what loves looks like at SOS, is through our incredible program outcomes. What this […]

On Track to Brighter Futures

With one month into the new year, we are pleased to share stories of our children moving in the direction of bright and promising futures. Whether children are reunited with parents or family members, adopted, or settled into Village life where they have access to programs and services to help them through the transition of […]

A Therapist’s View of Academic Performance for SOS Foster Children

KRISTA VECCHIONESOS Therapist Our children have settled into the new school year, and we wanted to provide you with an update on how they are progressing. Here at SOS Children’s Villages Florida, we place a strong emphasis on academics resulting in a 100% high school graduation rate for the past fifteen consecutive years. Meet our […]

Summer Camp

While the past several weeks have hit record temperatures, it has not slowed down summer fun and activities for the children. We are fortunate to have the wonderful support from French Woods, Silver Lakes, and Island Lakes sleep away camps in New York and New Jersey, local areas day camps including the YMCA Teen Camp […]

SOS Receives Charity Navigator 4-Star Rating

  SOS Children’s Villages Florida is honored to receive a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator. This is their highest possible rating and demonstrates strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency. This 4-starevaluation reflects SOS’s exceptional and continued commitment to providing compassionate, cost-effective, and innovative programs in urgent response […]

Proud To Have Two Dads

Between 2 million and 3.7 million children under age 18 have an LGBTQ+ parent. LGBTQ+ people take many pathways to parenthood. Some pursue parenthood using assisted reproductive technologies, surrogacy, or become parents through adoption, or serve as foster parents. Children raised by LGBTQ+ parents in a supportive environment are generally well adjusted and thrive. As […]


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